Live Wholly. Walk Boldly.

Equipping you to live a life transformed by Jesus and share your faith boldly.



Are you overwhelmed by the noise and chaos around you? Struggling to reconcile the fact that God is peace, yet your life feels anything but peaceful?

Welcome to the club.

Rhythms of Rest is more than a devotional; it’s an invitation to reclaim your life from the chaos and experience true life with Christ.

Join me on this journey to understand and embrace Sabbath rest, and move towards a life marked by peace and purpose.

Are you ready to step into a life of bold faith and purpose?

Whether you're longing to deepen your relationship with Jesus, share your story with confidence, or find true rest in a chaotic world, you're in the right place.

I’m Dani Crews, and I’m here to help you live wholly and walk boldly in your faith journey.

Are You Struggling With These Thoughts?

  • "I want to grow in my faith, but I feel like I'm just going through the motions."

  • "I want to hear God's voice, but it seems like He’s never speaking. How do I really hear Him?"

  • “I want my community to grow in faith together. What tools should I use?”

  • "I know Jesus should be the center of my life, but most days, He feels more like an afterthought. How do I change that?"

  • "I see others in my church who seem so confident in their faith. Meanwhile, I'm over here wondering if I'm doing any of this right."

If any of these questions resonate with you, you're not alone. These are the real, raw struggles many believers face. The good news? There’s a way forward—a way to deepen your faith, hear God's voice, and live the life He’s calling you to.

I’m Here For You!

Imagine breaking free from the patterns that hold you back and stepping into a vibrant, purposeful life with Christ. Through my offerings, I provide the tools, support, and community you need to transform your faith journey.

Grow Your Faith

  • This course is designed to help you overcome fears and apprehensions in sharing your faith.

    Whether you’re a seasoned believer or just starting out, this is your opportunity to connect your story to the power of the Gospel and see lives changed—starting with yours.

    True Story Course | Live Zoom

    True Story Course | Recorded Modules (Coming Soon!)

  • Launching October 2024, the Live Wholly Walk Boldly Community is your space to follow Jesus, be transformed by Him, and love like Him.

    With weekly content, group calls, daily devotionals, and more, this is a place where you can dive deep into Scripture and apply it to your life.

    Join a supportive environment that fosters growth, faith, and connection.

    Learn More

  • In a world that never stops, find the rest you were always created for.

    Rhythms of Rest is my latest devotional, designed to guide you out of the relentless rush of life and into the true rest that God offers.

    This devotional invites you to reflect on key questions, reconnect with your Creator, and reclaim the life you were meant to live.

    Available on Amazon

  • Are you hosting an event and looking for a speaker who can inspire, challenge, and equip your audience to live boldly in their faith? I’d love to partner with you.

    With years of experience in outreach ministry, I bring a passion for helping others share their stories and grow in their walk with Jesus. Whether it’s a conference, retreat, or church gathering, I can tailor my message to meet the unique needs of your audience and help them move forward in their faith journey.

    Interested? Let’s Chat About Your Event: Learn More About My Speaking

Ready to Transform Your Faith Journey?

Whether you're looking to overcome the discomfort of sharing your faith, connect deeper with others, or simply find rest in your busy life, I'm here to help. Explore the resources available, join the community, and let's walk boldly together in the life God has called you to.

Let's Connect:
Join the Community | Explore the True Story Course | Order Rhythms of Rest | Invite Me to Speak

Over the years,  I’ve noticed many people claim to have a relationship with Jesus, claim to have faith. Yet, loneliness overwhelms them, apathy runs rampant in their home, and they still find themselves in an overall state of general dissatisfaction. What if most of us are only living out half our faith? 

After 8 years working in outreach ministry, I speak about and create content that moves the individual towards the life they were always created for - to life with the Creator Himself AND to the life He asks us to lead.
